Elenco dei Video
1 | Cooperative agricole e vita in fattoria (15') Una famiglia contadina d'oggi (15') |
2 | Budo:le arti marziali (15') L'arte del karate (15') |
3 | Dove vive il poliziotto (15') Una donna poliziotto giapponese (15') |
4 | Il telefono utile (15') L'ufficio postale locale (15') |
5 | I volontari giapponesi per la cooperazione oltreoceano (15') JICA: benvenuto al training tecnico dall'estero (15') |
6 | Tenere una citta pulita (15') Riciclaggio (15') |
7 | Ikebana: l'arte dell'arrangiamento dei fiori (15') L'arte e il significato dell'Ikebana (30') |
8 | Creatore di paesaggi (15') Giardini del Giappone (30') |
9 | L'ufficio municipale e i suoi servizi (15') Oyama-cho: un villaggio rinato (15') Toga: villaggio per il teatro (15') |
10 | I vigili del fuoco (15') Prevenzione ai 'disastri' (15') Sabo: controllo dell'erosione (15') |
11 | Musica del Giappone moderno (30') Kitaro: musicista del sintetizzatore (30') |
12 | Bellezze (15') Training introduttivi al lavoro (15') Imparare un commercio (15') Soroban: il calcolatore tradizionale giapponese (15') |
13 | Il raccolto del mare (15') Pesce: cibo per tutti i gusti(15') Vita del mare (15') |
14 | Giovani menti inventive (15') I bambini del paese delle nevi (15') I bambini nelle citta e nei villaggi (30') |
15 | Educazione primaria e secondaria in Giappone (30') Insegnante di scuola elementare (15') Giorni di scuola in Giappone (30') |
16 | Alta tecnologia in Giappone/Una data: marzo 1984 (25') Robot al lavoro (15') La nuova citta accademica di Tsukuba (15') OA: automazione in ufficio (15') |
17 | Controllo di qualita e circoli QC (15') Industrie urbane di piccole dimensioni (15') Un giovane lavoratore (15') Takahide Saita: capo di un cantiere navale (25') |
18 | Alta tecnologia in Giappone/Una data: marzo 1984 (25') Robot al lavoro (15') La nuova citta accademica di Tsukuba (15') OA: automazione in ufficio (15') |
19 | Controllo di qualita e circoli QC (15') Industrie urbane di piccole dimensioni (15') Un giovane lavoratore (15') Takahide Saita: capo di un cantiere navale (25') |
20 | Le quattro stagioni del Giappone (30') Le quattro stagioni dei bambini (30') Generosita della natura: i fiori per i giapponesi (30') |
21 | Agricoltura in tutte le stagioni (15') Agricoltura nel deserto (15') Acqua per il progresso agricolo (28') Riso e sviluppo agricolo (31') |
22 | La nurse del distretto (15') Kangofu: la nurse giapponese (15') La battaglia contro le malattie (15') Servizio mobile (15') Clinica medica navigante (15') |
23 | Il ragazzo e la gru (27') Kaguya Hime: la principessa e la luna (18') Una gru riconoscente (20') Il ragazzo e la paglia (20') |
24 | Giappone: uno sguardo (30') Geografia e industria (25') Il Giappone d'oggi (30') Il mare: linea di vita per oggi e domani (30') |
25 | Diventar medici (15') Tempo di festival (15') La comunita degli alloggi (15') |
26 | Mangiar fuori: i ristoranti d'oggi (15') Trasporti urbani (15') Gli sports nello spirito dei giovani (15') |
27 | Supermercati (15') Rinverdendo l'ambiente (15') I tessuti di Nishijin (15') |
28 | I meteorologi (15') La conservazione degli alimenti (15') Preparazione alla sicurezza stradale (15') Bonsai: gli alberi in miniatura (15') |
29 | Sumo: la lotta tradizionale (15') La bellezza delle tradizioni: bambu, carta e legno (17') Il lago dei cigni giapponese (15') |
30 | Efficace utilizzazione dell'acqua (15') Il servizio medicodi emergenza (15') La televisione in Giappone (15') |
31 | Profilo del Primo Ministro Noboru Takeshita (8') | |
32 | Expo '90, Osaka, Japan (19') | |
33 | La ceramica preziosa (6') Le tecniche di stampa in Giappone (15') Il controllo del territorio (15') |
34 | Protezione contro i terremoti (15') Ufficiali delle forze di auto difesa (15') I volontari (15') I treni fluttuanti a motore lineare (16') |
35 | I calendari delle feste per i bambini (16') La protezione dell'eredita culturale (16') I licei professionali (15') |
36 | L'educazione permanente (15') La polizia di Tokyo (15') Legami di amicizia oltremare (16') |
37 | I funerali dell'Imperatore Hirohito | |
38 | Profilo del Primo Ministro Sosuke Uno | |
39 | Conferenza stampa di S.E. l'Imperatore e l'Imperatrice del Giappone (37') | |
40 | Profilo di S.E. Akihito, l'Imperatore del Giappone (15') | |
41 | Profilo del Primo Ministro Sosuke Uno (extra edition) | |
42 | Profilo del Primo Ministro Kaifu Toshiki (10') | |
43 | Japan Today 4 (Notizie principali-Argomenti-Sport-Tendenze in Giappone - Intervista con Sezaburo Sato) (30') | |
44 | Il mercato del pesce di Tsukiji (17') Veterinari dello zoo (16') Confezioni stile giapponese (16') |
45 | Biotecnologia e agricoltura (16') Costruzione di giocattoli in Giappone (16') L'industria dei servizi in Giappone (16') |
46 | I libri e i giapponesi (16') Salvare gli uccelli selvatici (16') I kimono ed i giapponesi (16') Educazione scientifica in Giappone (16') |
47 | Japan Today 5 (Notizie principali-Flash & Argomenti-Torneo di Sumo-Tendenze in Giappone-Opinion Leader M. Hashimoto) (30') | |
48 | Japan Today 6 (Notizie principali-Argomenti-Sport-Tendenze in Giappone) (30') | |
49 | Il nuovo Imperatore del Giappone (20') | |
50 | 24 ore a Tokyo (30') | |
51 | Il nuovo sistema sociale del Primo Ministro Kaifu, presentato durante il suo viaggio in Europa - 1990 (15') | |
52 | Japan Today 7 (Notizie principali-Flash-Tendenze in Giappone- Sport-Intervista a Kimindo Kusaka sulle frizioni economiche) (30') | |
53 | Japan Today 8 (Notizie principali-Argomenti-Tendenze in Giappone-Sport) (30') | |
54 | Preservare l'ambiente globale (30') | |
55 | Alta tecnologia in Giappone - 1990 (28') | |
56 | Kanazawa: il diario di Munira (15') Yamaguchi: l'alba del Giappone (15') |
57 | Rinnovando il porto di Tokyo (15') Nagano: Prefettura del Giappone (15') |
58 | La musica in Giappone (24') L'arte e l'arte rappresentativa (24') |
59 | La moda del Giappone (15') Fumetti (15') Architettura (17') |
60 | I primi cento anni della democrazia giapponese (23') | |
61 | Japan Today 9 (Notizie principali-Argomenti-Tendenze in Giappone-Sport) (30') | |
62 | Cerimonie di ascesa al trono (Sokui-no-rei) (25') | |
63 | Japan Today 10 (Notizie principali-Notizie flash-Tendenze in Giappone-Sport) (30') | |
64 | Japan Today 11 (Interviste con i fedeli-Notizie principali-Argomenti del nuovo anno-Tendenze in Giappone-Sport) (30') | |
65 | "A Song for the Community...By the Community" (30') | |
66 | Celebrazione dell'incoronazione di Sua Maesta l'Imperatore del Giappone | |
67 | Japan Today 12 (Notizie principali-Notizie flash-Tendenze in Giappone - Sports - L'asta delle biciclette usate) (23') | |
68 | Studiare in Giappone - vol.2 - Vita degli studenti | |
69 | Studiare in Giappone - vol.3 - Passo dopo passo preparandosi a studiare in Giappone | |
70 | "Il mio dono e la pace della mente" - La dottoressa Yoko viene in citta (45') | |
71 | La battaglia degli aquiloni giganti di Ensyu (45') | |
72 | "Una competizione animata: Jonkara-Bushi" - La gara nazionale di Tsugaru Jamisen (Strumento musicale) (45') | |
73 | "Il rumore di una zappa risuona nel prato" - Vita agreste nelle montagne dello Shikoku (45') | |
74 | "Special Fujisan" della NHK - La piu grande montagna del Giappone (45') | |
75 | Il templio Zen - Lo Eiheiji (45') | |
76 | La bellezza rinata - Ristrutturazione della Villa Imperiale di Katsura (50') | |
77 | Origami - L'arte di piegare la carta - Parte I e II (60') | |
78 | Origami - L'arte di piegare la carta - Parte III e IV (60') | |
79 | La crisi del Golfo e il Giappone - Assicurare la pace (15') | |
80 | Japan Today 13 (Notizie principali-Notizie flash-tendenze in Giappone-Sports) | |
81 | La tradizione dello spettacolo in Giappone-Il cuore di Kabuki, Noh e Bunraku (38') | |
82 | L'uomo d'affari giapponese - Lo spirito di lotta nell'etica di gruppo (25') | |
83 | La famiglia giapponese - Lo stile di vita dell'uomo d'affari (35') | |
84 | Il gusto del Giappone - Una tradizione di ospitalita (30') | |
85 | La tecnologia giapponese - Una tradizione di abilita artigiana (24') | |
86 | La societa giapponese a Tokyo e nella Nazione (23') | |
87 | Usi e costumi - La struttura della societa giapponese (30') | |
88 | I giapponesi e la natura: amici-nemici (30') | |
89 | Il sistema corporativo giapponese - Il ruolo dell'imprenditore (30') | |
90 | Giappone: un paese di abbondanti acque naturali (25') | |
91 | I Giapponesi (Presentato dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Giappone) (15') | |
92 | Japan Today 14 (Notizie principali-Notizie flash-Tendenze in Giappone-Sports) (30') | |
93 | Japan Today 15 (Notizie principali-Notizie flash-Tendenze in Giappone-Sports) (30') | |
94 | Profilo del Primo Ministro Miyazawa | |
95 | Giappone d'oggi (22') | |
96 | Proteggendo la nostra "casa" collettiva-Contributi Ecologici del Giappone (18') | |
97 | La passione per le balene - Storia di Tomohisa Nagaoka (16') | |
98 | Aiutando i nostri amici piu deboli (18') | |
99 | Rivivere le nostre foreste-La missione di Akira Miyawaki (18') | |
100 | Proteggere l'habitat - Il riciclaggio del vetro (18') | |
101 | Madoka (26') | |
102 | Lotta per la sopravvivenza: la pesca nel Nord Giappone | |
103 | Dalle ceneri: come il Giappone ha sviluppato la sua ripresa del dopoguerra | |
104 | Una videostoria dell'Industria Elettronica giapponese. Ricostruire la tecnologia di una nazione. Nascita del transistor | |
105 | Una videostoria dell'Industria Elettronica giapponese. Ricostruire la tecnologia di una nazione. Circuiti elettronici di pietra | |
106 | Una videostoria dell'Industria Elettronica giapponese. Ricostruire la tecnologia di una nazione. La guerra dei calcolatori | |
107 | Una videostroia dell'Industria Elettronica giapponese. Ricostruire la tecnologia di una nazione. Il gigante tecnologico del mondo dei micron | |
108 | Shinzo Maeda (35') | |
109 | Educazione in Giappone. I bambini e i loro sogni (30') | |
110 | Donne lavoratrici. Scopi personali e sociali (30') | |
111 | Festivita annuali e cerimonie. La fede nella vita quotidiana | |
112 | Ambiente: Ultimi Approcci (27') | |
113 | I bambini del Giappone che cambia (20') | |
114 | Kobe 1995: Una lezione crudele (16') | |
115 | Alta Tecnologia, Alta Speranza (26') | |
116 | Miyazaki: Luogo del G8 Summit 2000 (30') | |
117 | Riciclando (18') | |
118 | Gli uomini che hanno fatto l'architettura Meiji | |
119 | 2002: Coppa del Mondo Fifa - Korea/Giappone, unendo due nazioni | |
120 | La foresta Shirakami, un'eredita mondiale (20') | |
121 | Il cambiamento del riscaldamento globale (24') | |
122 | Parlando di isole: I territori settentrionali (30') | |
123 | 1. Come aver successo in unta Intervista Televisiva (58') | |
124 | Morihiro Hosokawa: un nuovo Primo Ministro per una nuova era (13') | |
125 | Sua Maesta l'Imperatore e l'Imperatrice del Giappone | |
126 | Matrimonio Imperiale: il Principe alla Corono e la Principessa del Giappone | |
127 | Sua Maesta l'Imperatrice Michiko del Giappone (54') | |
128 | Cerimonia di Incoronazione (90') | |
129 | Invito al Giappone: studenti internazionali per un brillante domani (21') | |
130 | L'anima di Okinawa (due cassette - 27' ciascuna) |
1. Life for Japanese People | ||
a | Homes - Food Life - Traditional Cuisine (18') | |
b | Clothing - Annual Events - Festivals (18') | |
c | Vacations - Customs and Etiquette - Lifelong Education - Children's Daily Life (24') | |
2. Japanese Culture | ||
a | Traditional Performing Arts - Crafts - Tea Ceremony, Flower Arrangement, Calligraphy (18') | |
b | Sports - Religion - Young People - Comics (24') | |
c | Cities - Entertainment - Architecture (18') | |
3. Japanese Industry and Economy | ||
a | Agriculture - Fisheries, Marine Products - Manufacturing (18') | |
b | Finance - Distribution System - International Trade (18') | |
c | Disaster Prevention - Information Society - Robots, Biotechnology - Clean Energy (24') | |
4. Japanese Politics and Society | ||
a | The Imperial Family - International Contributions (1), PKO and Global Issues - International Contribution (2), Official Development Assistance (18') | |
b | Political System - Defense - Police - Transportation (24') | |
c | Education - Medical Care and Social Security - Environmental Protection - Community Activities (24') | |
5. Sketches of Japan | ||
a | Cities, Metropolitan Area - Regions, Hokkaido - Regions, Tohoku (18') | |
b | Regions, Kanto - Regions, Chubu - Regions, Kinki (18') | |
c | Regions, Chugoku & Shikoku - Regions, Kyushu & Okinawa - Four Seasons (18') |
1 | Ozegahara (49') | |
2 | Ancient Capital Almanac - A Year in Nara and Kyoto (20') | |
3 | Four Seasons of the Mogami River (44') | |
4 | The Way of Life in Japan: Group Portrait of High School Students (20') | |
5 | The Way of Life in Japan: University Students (20') | |
6 | The Way of Life in Japan: Housewives (20') | |
7 | The Way of Life in Japan: The Family Life of a Salaryman (20') | |
8 | Discovering Japan: Living in the City (14') |
1 | Tea Ceremony (20') | |
2 | Japanese Cuisine (20') | |
3 | Japanese Dance (20') | |
4 | Japanese Instruments (20') | |
5 | Calligraphy (20') | |
6 | Japanese Pottery & Porcelain (20') | |
7 | Japanese Arts and Crafts (20') | |
8 | Kimono (20') | |
9 | Japanese Architecture (20') |
1 | Sumo (25') | |
2 | Kendo (15') | |
3 | Kyudo (15') | |
4 | Judo (15') | |
5 | Naginata (15') | |
6 | Karatedo (15') |
1 | Past, present and future: washi, unique Japanese paper culture (50') | |
2 | Shikoku: an island in time (50') | |
3 | The healthy Japanese Diet (50') | |
4 | Travel wise in Japan (50') |
1 | High technology Japanese style (30') | |
2 | Osaka APEC meeting (30') | |
3 | Aftermath of the Kobe quake (30') | |
4 | Coming to villages and towns in Japan (30') | |
5 | U.S.-Japan cooperation in global perspective (30') |
1 | COP3: Breaking the Ice on Global Warming (30') | |
2 | Deregulation: Big Bang Japan (30') | |
3 | Deregulation: Japan is changing (30') |
1 | Hello! Japan 2007 | |
2 | Fantastic Destinations in Japan 2008 | |
3 | Yokoso Japan 2008 | |
4 | Sounds in Japan | |
5 | Annual Events in Japan | |
6 | Japanese Cuisine | |
7 | The Food of Japan |
JAPAN VIDEO TOPICS (ognuna 15' durata. dal 2005 n. 09 solo in formato DVD)
1 | 1. Tohoku Reconstruction - Eco-friendly and Disaster Resistant 2. Miniaturizing Medicine 3. Experimenting with Fashion 4. Miyajima - Island Shrine to Nature |
  Tohoku's Eco-friendly Reconstruction |
2 | 1. Kamakura - Home of Samurai Culture 2. Jomon Archeological Sites in Tohoku 3. Okinawa World Heritage 4. Mt. Fuji, Japan Sacred Mountain |
  Mt. Fuji Sacred Mountain |
3 | 1. The Spirit of Budo 2. Budo Techniques and Power 3. Traditional Budo Equipment 4. Budo Today |
  The Spirit of Budo |
4 | 1. Trendsetting Tokyo 2. Tokyo's Latest Landmark 3. Toyko - City of Sports 4. Gourmet Tokyo |
  Gourmet Tokyo |
5 | 1. The School Day 2. School Meals 3. School Events 4. Summer Vacation |
  School Meals |
6 | 1. Spring 2. Summer 3. Autumn 4. Winter |
  Spring |
1 | 1. The Colorful World of Bentobako 2. Tohoku's Eco-friendly Reconstruction, Geothermal Energy in Japan 3. Pioneering Disaster Technology 4. New National Park for Sanriku |
  Miniaturizing Medicine |
2 | 1. Takachiho - Land of Legends 2. Walking on Wood 3. Flea Markets for Fun 4.Technology Inspired by Tradition |
  Takachiho - Land of Legends |
3 | 1. Hiraizumi - Once Again a Bacon of Hope 2. Fukushima's World-leading Aluminum Technology 3. The Magnificient Wooden Chests of Sendai 4.Keeping the Auto Industry on the Road |
  Fukushima's World-leading Aluminum Technology |
TOHOKU SELECTION (Fukushima, Miyagi, Iwate) 1. Miyagi- Where the Samurai Spirit Lingers 2. Lacquer Reborn 3. Hiraizumi – Glories of Long Ago 3. Nanbu-tekki Cast Ironware 4. Lakes of Many Colors |
4 | 1. A Festival of Festivals - Tohoku Rokkon Sai 2. 800 Years of Tradition - Aizu Tajima Gion Festival 3. Showcasing Tohoku Dance - Kitakami Michinoku Geino Festival 4. Festival on Matsushima Bay - Shiogama Minato Festival |
  Tohoku Rokkon Sai |
5 | 1. Solar Power in Japan 2. Ise-Shima - Ancient Shrines and Pearls 3. Stationery Moves with the Times 4. The Ukiyoe Tradition |
  Ise-Shima - Ancient Shrines and Pearl |
6 | 1. Niihama Taiko Festival 2. Japanese Rice Snacks 3. Shaping our World with Plastics 4. The Puppet Art of Bunraku |
  Japanese Rice Snacks |
7 | 1. Gokayama's Thatched Farmhouses 2. Another Taste of Japan 3. Stronger and Lighter than Steel 4. Maki-e - Gold on Lacquer |
  Gokayama's Thatched Farmhouses |
8 | 1. Meiji Jingu - A Tokyo Oasis 2. Amezaiku Candy Sculpture 3. Saving Energy with Sensors 4. Kyo Yuzen Kimono Dyeing |
  Amezaiku Candy Sculpture |
9 | 1. The Camellias of Hagi 2. Arita Porcelain 3. Leading-Edge Desalination Technology 4. Wadaiko Drumming |
  Wadaiko Drumming |
1 | 1. Kakunodate - Sakura and Samurai 2. Designed for Universal Use 3. A Tradition of Fine Blades 4. Edo Period Puppet Theater |
2 | 1. Wasabi 2. Rebun - Island of Flowers 3. Japan's Advanced Vending Machines 4. Tenugui - The Handy Cloth |
3 | 1. Cyber Robot Suits 2. Kumiko Latticework 3. The Essential Bean 4. Pillars of Flame |
5 | 1. Onigiri - rice to Go 2. When lacquer Meets dearskin 3. Electric Vehicles hit the Street 4.Owara Kaze no Bon Festival |
6 | 1. Lakes of Many Colors 2. Safe Water from Every Tap 3. Tsumami Kanzashi Hair Ornaments 4.Karatsu Kunchi Festival |
7 | 1. Wajima-nuri lacquerware 2. Lighting up the night in Arashiyama 3. Fine marquetry from Hakone 4. A cascade of chrysanthemums |
8 | 1. Japan's high-speed rail system 2. Matsue - the water city 3. Speedy and safe - Japan's egg technology 4. Artful gift wrapping 5. Azuki - the versatile little red bean |
9 | 1. Izu - Paradise of Flowers 2. Snow and Hemp in Ojiya 3. Leave it All to the Movers 4. Hina - Ningyo Dolls Hina - Ningyo Dolls |
1 | 1. The Cherry Blossoms of Yoshino 2. Titanium Tiles for Temple Roofs 3. How Old Firms Survive 4. Old Crafts in Modern Art |
2 | 1. Hiking the Shinetsu Trail 2. When Mending Becomes an Art 3. A Better Way to Peaceful Sleep 4. New Technology for Disabled Sports |
3 | 1. Ajisai – Hydrangeas in Hakone 2. Lettuce From a Factory 3. Mizuhiki - The Art of Tying Paper Cords 4. New Life for Old Facilities |
5 | 1. Funadansu Sea Chests 2. Sweet Accessories 3. Yamaga Lantern Festival 4. Wagakki – Ancient Japanese Musical Instruments |
9 | 1. Mount Fuji in Winter 2. Yusan – bako Picnic Boxes 3. New Ways to Use Cardboard 4. Kariwano’s Giant Tug- of - war |
1 | 1. Making Up a Super Fuel 2. Hokkaido Horse-trekking 3. Fresh Ideas for Mobile Living 4. New Future for Smallest Room |
2 | 1. Untouched for 8.000 Years – Shirakami-Sanchi Forest 2. High-Rise Work Fashion 3. Fine Mist Cools City Heat 4. Minamata – An Eco-Aware Community |
3 | 1. Tokyo’s Subtropical Islands 2. Toys for Ages 3. Japanese Cuisine – Sincerity is the Key 4. Building to Blend with Nature |
4 | 1. Manga goes Worldwide 2. World’s Biggest Firework 3. Japanese Denim (High Fashion and Eco-Friendly 4. Deco Art – It’s Everywhere |
5 | 1. Walking the Old Tokaido Highway 2. Compact Houses for Spacious Living 3. Learning about Life from Food 4. Fun Ways to Get Fit |
6 | 1. The Healing Powers of the Jellyfish 2. Ready to Eat. Instantly, Anywhere 3. Bamboo’s Deep Roots in Japanese Life 4. Traditional Crafts, Modern Design, That’s Kanazawa |
7 | 1. Night Festival in Chichibu 2. Monkiri Asobi – The Art of Papercutting 3. Miyadaiku – Guardians of a Tradition of Building in Wood 4. Sushi from Tokyo Bay Again |
8 | 1. Tiny Satellite Carries a Big Dream 2. A Stroll Through Old Kawagoe 3. Carry Your Own Chopsticks 4. Tsukemono – The Pleasure of Japanese Pickies |
9 | 1. Donabe – Most Versatile of Cooking Pots 2. Bonsai – Nature’s Beauty in Miniature 3. Iwami Kagura – Ancient Ritual to Modern Folk Art 4. Green Revolution Transforms City Rooftopss |
1 | 1. Toyako – Scenic Site of G8 Summit 2. “Eco” – The New Brand Image 3. NewYear’s Friendly Demons 4. The Miniature World of Omake |
2 | 1. Winter in Japan’s Snow Country 2. Tree Surgeons at Work 3. Robot, A Remarkable Companion 4. World’s Biggest Comic Convention |
3 | 1. Tokyo Girls Collection 2. Japan Tourism Goes Green 3. High-Tech Hairpieces 4. Railway Country |
1 | 1. Naoshima – The Island of Art 2. Bringing a New Charm to BONSAI 3. At the Forefront of Endoscopy 4. Japan’s Creative Cheese |
2 | 1. A Day Trip Across Tokyo Bay 2. The Charm of Modern Paper Craft 3. Cleaning Water with Carbon Fibre 4. Revitalizing a Town with Ume |
3 | 1. A New Focus for Art in Tokyo 2. Recycling with IC Cards 3. The Rebirth of Japanese Calligraphy 4. Izu Peninsula in Spring |
10 | 1.Try new Products for Free at Sample Lab 2. Revealing the Hidden Side of Industry 3. Eating on the Train – Ekiben Boxed Meals 4. A Designer’s Idea Transform local Industries |
11 | 1. A New Style of Lifelong Learning in Shibuya 2. The Lake that Inspired Tale of Genji 3. Why is Japanese Fruit so delicious? 4. Clear as Glass, but so much Stronger |
12 | 1. Yokohama – Japan’s First Modern City 2. Traditional Art Meets Pop Culture 3. A Challenge of Skills 4. Never Too Old to Play |
2000 - 2006 | Volume 1: Tourist Attraction of Japan Volume 2: Japanese Culture and Lifestyle Volume 3: Modern Japan (in total around 4 hours) |
1 | 1. Fighting Sport Builds Friendship 2. Block Toy Unblocks Creativity 3. Heroes of Disaster – Tokyo’s Hyper-Rescue Team 4. Underground Caverns of Akiyoshi |
2 | 1. City of Countless Faces 2. The Art of the Compact 3. Keeping the Expressways Safe 4. Weaving Works of Beauty |
3 | 1. Shimane – Land of Silver, Swords and Ancient Shrines 2. Latest Digital Camera Trends 3. Art of Hidden Beauty 4. More than Cute – Kawaii!! |
4 | 1. The Roots of Japanese Anime 2. Shop Assistants with Purchasing Power 3. Exploring Japan: Appreciating Japanese-style Rooms 4. The Japanese Economy is Rising from Recession |
5 | 1. Japan’s Assistance for Iraq 2. Exploring Japan: Appreciating Japanese Sounds 3. Japanese Anime in Malaysia 4. Citizens in City Planning |
6 | 1. Mobile Phone TV 2. Exploring Japan: Appreciating Wooden Architecture 3. Japan Welcomes Young Student |
7 | 1. Climbing for Cleaning 2. Living with Flowers 3. Furoshiki – The Flexible Wrapping Cloth 4. Self-expression through Digital Art |
8 | 1. Beach Cleaning Buggy 2. Secrets of the White Egret Castle 3. The Yukata Fashion Boom 4. WASHI, the Finest Japanese Paper 5. The Popular Tokyo English Bus Tour |
9 | 1. State of the Art Prosthetics 2. Staying at a World Heritage Site 3. Basement Food Riches 4. Preparing for Natural Disasters |
10 | 1. Japan’s 50 Years as a UN Member 2. Onsen, Warm-hearted Hot Springs – Beppu & Yufuin 3. Ramen, Japan’s Favourite Noodles 4. The Small Island that Drives on Ethanol |
11 | 1. Global Oysters Supported by Forests 2. Not Just Play – Mobile Game Devices Evolve 3. Tokyo One-Day Trip 4. UDON – Noodles Fostered by Nature |
12 | 1. One-day Trip to Tsukuba – Nature and Science 2. Edo Kites Flying High 3. Supporting the Next Generation of Aircraft – Carbon Fibre Composite Materials 4. Tokyo Traditional Taste |
1 | 1. Green Roofs Combat Greenhouse Effect 2. Braille of the Move 3. Kumamoto – Land of Fire and Water 4. Eat, Drink, Relax – Izakaya Style |
2 | 1. Itsukushima – Shrine in the Sea 2. Throw Away you Wallet 3. The Man who Mapped Japan |
3 | 1. Japan in the UN 2. New Life for Old Houses 3. Ridding the World of Landmines 4. Centrair – Japan’s Newest Hub Airport 5. 2005 Special Olympics World Winter Games in Nagano |
4 | 1. EXPO 2005, Aichi 2. Lacquer Reborn 3. Cultivating the Tuna 4. The Island that Runs on Water |
5 | 1. Tsunami Alert! 2. After the EXPO – Visit Iseshima 3. Games Reach the Next Level 4. Okinawan Sanshin |
6 | 1. First Steps for World Citizens 2. Raining in Japan 3. Robot Partners 4. Wagashi – The Taste of the Seasons |
7 | 1. Winter Show Keeps Summer Cool 2. Kyoto State Guest House 3. Moerenuma – From Landfill to Park 4. Hakata Gion Yamakasa Festival |
8 | 1. Helping Hands Build Irawi-Japanese Friendship 2. Getting Close to the Animals 3. When Computers Can’t Match Human Skill 4. Aomori – Land of Contrasts |
9 | 1. The Artificial Limb Makers 2. Akihabara – Hobbyst’s Paradise 3. A Brush with Beauty 4. Bringing Color Back to the Oceans |
10 | 1. Cycling the Islands of the Inland Sea 2. Underground Tokyo 3. Rice and the Japanese 4. A Promise Kept – The White Stork Flies Again |
11 | 1. Nikko – Japan’s Oldest International Resort 2. What’s Happening in the Motorcycle World 3. Senior Volunteers Work Abroad 4. Traditional Good – Luck Charms |
12 | 1. Kyushu National Museum 2. Heart – Warming Nabe Cookery 3. Waste Disposal as a Work of Art 4. Glories of Long Ago – Hiraizumi |
1 | 1. Fukuoka – Gateway to Asia 2. Cutting Edge of Paper Art 3. Evolving Stations 4. Tokyo Nights, Tokyo Lights |
2 | 1. Kobe – International Port City 2. Dueling Robots 3. Masters of Fake Food 4. Snowman Village |
3 | 1. Miyagi – Where the Samurai Spirit Lingers on 2. Sounds of Falling Water 3. Disability, Mother of Invention 4. Carrying Wishes into the |
4 | 1. Kyoto on a Budget 2. Wood that won’t Burn 3. Wrap it Up, Japanese Style 4. Fooling the Eye |
5 | 1. Tokyo Nature Walks 2. Cleaning Power of Light 3. Makers of Miniature Worlds 4. Onbashira – Pillars of the Gods |
6 | 1. Gifu Decorative Arts – The Legacy of Furuta Oribe 2. Keeping Fruit Fresh 3. Tokyo Street Fashion 4. New Life for Old Art |
7 | 1. Shiretoko – The Edge of the World 2. Pure, Pure Water 3. A Library in Your Pocket |
8 | 1. Korean Schoolchildren Discover Japan 2. Anything, Anywhere Home Deliveries 3. Kyoto Gozan Fire Festival 4. The Hapan Alps – World Above the Alps |
9 | 1. Making the World Safer from Earthquakes 2. Saikuzushi – Edible Art 3. Move Like a Samurai 4. Car that Care For You |
10 | 1. Helping Rebuild Iraq 2. Turing Plastic into Soil 3. Coming Soon – Expo 2005 |
11 | 1. Changing Money 2. EU-Japan Year of People-to-People Exchanges 3. A Paper Revolution 4. Mysterious Okinawa |
12 | 1. Sacred Mountains of the Kii Peninsula 2. Miso Power 3. Rural Grassroots Leaders 4. Saving the Yanbarukuina |
1 | 1. Winter Wildfowl Paradise – Lakes Izunuma & Uchinuma 2. Cleanest Ever Energy Source 3. Really Seeing Stars 4. The Light Way to Play Music |
2 | 1. Festival of Ice and Snow 2. Okinawa’s Subtropical Islands 3. Toy or car? 4. Rooftop Mini-Soccer |
3 | 1. Volunteer Treasure Guardians 2. Art from Fallen Leaves 3. The Ultimate View of Mount Fuji 4. Nagasaki City – Gateway to the World |
4 | 1. Volunteer Treasure Guardians 2. Art from Fallen Leaves 3. The Ultimate View of Mount Fuji 4. Nagasaki City – Gateway to the World |
5 | 1. Smaller Gadgets, Greater Fun 2. Glaze into the Future 3. Day Care Stations 4. Natural Charm – Akita |
6 | 1. Osaka – Something for Everyone 2. Running on Garbage 3. Children in Charge 4. Respecting Time |
7 | 1. The Solar Future 2. Japan-USA – 150 Years 3. Power Rehabilitation 4. Hokkaido – Snowy Mountains to Sunny Meadows |
8 | 1. Race with the Sun 2. Kanazawa – A Timeless Tradition 3. An Underground Revolution 4. Universe of Light |
9 | 1. Kamakura – Birthplace of Samurai Culture 2. Human Scale Wind Power 3. Tofu – Centuries Old Healthy Cuisine 4. Your Cellphone is the Key |
10 | 1. Aichi – Manufacturing Heartland 2. Lifting Their Spirits 3. Fresh Water from the Sea 4. Ukiyoe – From Woodblock to Computer |
11 | 1. Welcome to Chiba – Welcome to Japan 2. Solar Weather Forecasters 3. Paper and Light 4. Shinkansen Safety – Behind the Scenes |
12 | 1 Hakone – Tokyo’s Mountain Resort 2. Pet for a Day 3. Gift of Music 4. Winter Haven for the Crane |
1 |
1. 2002 Fifa World Cup: Japanese Venue – Part VIII Saitama & Ibaraki 2. The Face of the Ginza 3. World’s Fastes Electric Vehicle |
2 | 1. 2002 FIFA World Cup: Japanese Venue | |
3 | 1. Bio-Kites 2. At Your Service – New Kinds of Taxi 3. Warm Welcome in the Snow 4. Optical Fiber Art |
4 | 1. Robots with Feelings! 2. Back on the Road Again 3. Yokohama Port Festival-Welcoming the 2002 FIFA World Cup 4. Tendo – City of Japanese Chess |
5 | 1. Tokyo’s Central Station 2. Kids’ Kabuki Festival 3. Tiny Company Battles Global Problem 4. Ramen – Japanese Favorite Noodle |
6 | 1 Camera Phones 2. City Rooftops Go Green 3. Grandparents return to School 4. Fearless Schoolgirl Climber |
7 | 1. A Month of Memories – 2002 FIFA World Cup 2. Battle of the Robot Cleaners 3. Yen100 Shoppers’ Paradise |
8 | 1. The Biggest Ever Dinosaur Show 2. Yukata – New Street Fashion Trend 3. Japan World Heritage Sites – Himeji Castle, an Architectural |
9 | 1. Orchestra of Gourds 2. All in the Mind 3. Identify Yourself 4. Child Illusionist |
10 | 1. Matsumoto – City of Music Lovers 2. Breeding the Bluefin 3. Living Together |
11 | 1. Japan World Heritage Sites – Nara, Japan Ancient Capital 2. Cutting Waste with Lasers 3. Flower Dolls 4. Wildlife Rescue Volunteers |
12 | 1. Noda – Soy Sauce City 2. Giving Dogs a Voice 3. Brothers Top In-line World 4. Learning in the Trees |
1 | 1. Ceramic Symphony 2. Olympic Experience 3. Crab Shell Salvation 4. GALs |
2 | 1. Robot Set New Pace 2. Hotel of Magic 3. Sounds to See, Shapes to Hear 4. Cyber Town in the Snow |
3 | 1. Big Day For Small Girls 2. Tip Of The Tongue, Blink of An Eye 3. Salty Secrets 4. Collectable Characters |
4 | 1. 2002 FIFA World Cup: Japanese Venues - Part I Yokohama 2. True-to-life mirror 3. Grass-root Power Generation 4. Africa in Japan |
5 | 1. 2002 FIFA World Cup: Japanese Venues - Part II Osaka 2. Pictures from Fire 3. Small Lights - Big Harvests 4. Dating these Days |
6 | 1. Recycling Expo 2. Candle Art 3. Avoiding Accidents 4. Teachers in Tune |
7 | 1. 2002 FIFA World Cup: Japanese Venues - Part III Shizuoka 2. Vet on Wheels 3. Tuning in Earthquakes 4. Terraces of Rice |
8 | 1. Ayumi Hamasaki - The Face on Every Billboard 2. A Hidden Beauty of Fireworks 3. Repainting the Shogun's Shrine |
9 | 1. 2002 FIFA World Cup: Japanese Venues Part IV Sapporo 2. Young Robot Masters 3. Slender Sounds 4. Awa Odori - Dancing Fool's Festival |
10 | 1. 2002 FIFA World Cup: Japanese Venue - Part V Niigata 2. Global Village Festival 3. Extravaganza of Contemporary Art 4. Magic of Charcoal |
11 | 1. 2002 FIFA World Cup: Japanese Venues - Part VI Miyagi 2. Factory in a Suitcase 3. Convenience for Sale 4. Learning from Tradition |
12 | 1. 2002 FIFA World Cup: Japanese Venues - Part VII Oita 2. New World of Bonsai 3. Golden Company 4. Snowfall Indoors |
1 | 1. Summit 2000 Venue P.I 2. Sounds of Scrap 3. Thirst for a New Look |
2 | 1. Fish Out of Water 2. Sharing Electric Vehicles 3. Art in the Shadows 4.Summit 2000 P.II |
3 |
1.Mobile Phone Robot 2.Wheelchair Reporters 3.Young Puppeteers 4.Summit 2000 P.III |
4 | 1. Celebration of Spring 2.A Taste of Invention 3.Young and Old 4. Big Role of Small Plants |
5 | 1. Magic of Oxygen 2. Young Chefs 3. Oasis for the Elderly 4. Power of Paper S. Issue - Tutto su Okinawa (Okinawa Omnibus) (Italiano 27') |
6 | 1. Energy from Art 2. Mud Madness 3. Bug's Eye View 4. Watch My Wrist |
7 | 1. Technology of Tomorrow 2. Backyard Express 3. Benefits of Green Tea 4. Islands of Iron |
8 | 1.Thumb Tribe 2. Recycling Ceramics 3. Just as Good as by Hand 4. Lanterns - Sky High |
9 | 1. Playing with Reality 2. Scissors on Wheels 3. Taught by Firefly 4. Walk with the Animals |
10 | 1. School as a Canvas 2. Strength for Wood Fibers 3. Pets of a Kind 4. Doctor with a Heart |
11 | 1. Fun Homes 2. Touchable Stories 3. Golden Age On Ice 4. Paper Doll Fantasy |
1 | 1. Wider use for Handy Phones 2. Good news for Off-key Singers 3. Underground Space 4. Banana Speakers |
2 | 1. Shirakawa-go: World Heritage 2. Vegetable Factory 3. Hearing Through Bones |
3 | 1. Wheel in the Sky 2. Chariots for the Challenged 3. New Life for old Barrels 4. Reaching for the Stars |
4 | 1. Human touch for Bullet trains 2. Dance Game Craze 3. New shapes for Old Bottles 4. The Ryokan: Traditional Inn |
5 | 1. Flying Carp 2. Magic Paint 3. Return of Samurai 4. Origami Architecture |
6 | 1. Designing Dinosaurs 2.Freshman al 96 3.Teenage Toy Doctors 4.Bonsai:Nature in a Nutshell |
7 | 1. Kushiro Wetland 2. Art by Touch 3. Digital Pet 4. Sleeping Concert |
8 | 1. A Passion for Planes 2. Aquarium at Night 3. Recycling Brewers 4. Vanishing with the Tide |
9 | 1. Nebuta: Festival of Gigantic Floats 2. Rooftop Greenery 3. Pedaling for Purification |
10 | 1. Tableware for the Challenged 2.Bamboo Orchestra 3.The Magic of Science 4.Floating Seabed |
11 | 1. Motorcars for the Millennium 2.Talking Paper 3.Paint Brush for Cinema 4.Deep Sea Detective |
12 | 1. Paper Planes on a Wing and a Prayer 2. Team Work: the Kids find it Fun 3. Sunlight for Gloomy Rooms 4. Youth Aid the Aged |
1 | 1. Neptune's Road 2. Silky Sounds 3. Pollution Solution |
2 | 1. Flammable Water 2. Brush Express 3. Robo-Man 4. Winter Wonderland |
3 | 1. Riding High 2. Surprise from the Sea 3. Help for the Aged 4. Lure of Lacquer ware |
4 | 1. High-tech leg 2.Kitchen waste to fish food 3.Sounding out cans 4. Wedding - old and new |
5 | 1. Merry-go-round Sushi 2. Gainful Help to Trees 3. Kitakyushu: rebirth of a city |
6 | 1. Safe and fast 2. Origami by Touch 3. Shrines on Parade 4. Digital Artist |
7 | 1. Hello, I see you 2. Cleaning a Lake 3. Ancient Sounds 4. Benefits for birds |
8 | 1. Playing with fire 2. Teenage Teachers 3. Computers Challenge Noh 4. Blossom forever |
9 | 1. Top tradition 2. Pet Detective 3. Mystery of Corals |
10 | 1. Bottle Rockets 2. Music for all 3. Revival of Aged Homes |
11 | 1. Toying with Size 2. Learning from Fish 3. Robo Ski Teacher 4."Boys be Brave" |
12 | 1. Hot Air Gathering 2. Car from a Kit 3. Real Time Characters 4. Friends of the Forest |
6 | 1. Battling Kites 2. Digital Museum 3. Organic Energy 4. Mermaid Tears |
7 | 1. Ancient Celebration in Kyoto 2. Moving Floor 3. Ceramic City: Home Expo 2005 |
8 | 1. Summer Snow 2. Robo Shop 3. Kitchen Husbands 4. Factory Farming |
9 | 1. Pet Robot 2. Silver Guides 3. For Battery Longevity 4. Drums of Fire |
10 | 1. Nagano 1998 2. Silent Sounds 3. Detective Dog |
11 | 1. Echo-car Extravaganza 2. String Art 3. Fresh Frozen Foods 4. Years Apart: Good Friends |
12 | 1. Styrofoam Buster 2. Computing Never Too Old 3. Bountiful Bamboo Extra E. 4. Prime Minister Sousuke Uno |
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