Japanese (日本語)
Elenco dei Video
1 Cooperative agricole e vita in fattoria (15')
Una famiglia contadina d'oggi (15')
2 Budo:le arti marziali (15')
L'arte del karate (15')
3 Dove vive il poliziotto (15')
Una donna poliziotto giapponese (15')
4 Il telefono utile (15')
L'ufficio postale locale (15')
5 I volontari giapponesi per la cooperazione oltreoceano (15')
JICA: benvenuto al training tecnico dall'estero (15')
6 Tenere una citta pulita (15')
Riciclaggio (15')
7 Ikebana: l'arte dell'arrangiamento dei fiori (15')
L'arte e il significato dell'Ikebana (30')
8 Creatore di paesaggi (15')
Giardini del Giappone (30')
9 L'ufficio municipale e i suoi servizi (15')
Oyama-cho: un villaggio rinato (15')
Toga: villaggio per il teatro (15')
10 I vigili del fuoco (15')
Prevenzione ai 'disastri' (15')
Sabo: controllo dell'erosione (15')
11 Musica del Giappone moderno (30')
Kitaro: musicista del sintetizzatore (30')
12 Bellezze (15')
Training introduttivi al lavoro (15')
Imparare un commercio (15')
Soroban: il calcolatore tradizionale giapponese (15')
13 Il raccolto del mare (15')
Pesce: cibo per tutti i gusti(15')
Vita del mare (15')
14 Giovani menti inventive (15')
I bambini del paese delle nevi (15')
I bambini nelle citta e nei villaggi (30')
15 Educazione primaria e secondaria in Giappone (30')
Insegnante di scuola elementare (15')
Giorni di scuola in Giappone (30')
16 Alta tecnologia in Giappone/Una data: marzo 1984 (25')
Robot al lavoro (15')
La nuova citta accademica di Tsukuba (15')
OA: automazione in ufficio (15')
17 Controllo di qualita e circoli QC (15')
Industrie urbane di piccole dimensioni (15')
Un giovane lavoratore (15')
Takahide Saita: capo di un cantiere navale (25')
18 Alta tecnologia in Giappone/Una data: marzo 1984 (25')
Robot al lavoro (15')
La nuova citta accademica di Tsukuba (15')
OA: automazione in ufficio (15')
19 Controllo di qualita e circoli QC (15')
Industrie urbane di piccole dimensioni (15')
Un giovane lavoratore (15')
Takahide Saita: capo di un cantiere navale (25')
20 Le quattro stagioni del Giappone (30')
Le quattro stagioni dei bambini (30')
Generosita della natura: i fiori per i giapponesi (30')
21 Agricoltura in tutte le stagioni (15')
Agricoltura nel deserto (15')
Acqua per il progresso agricolo (28')
Riso e sviluppo agricolo (31')
22 La nurse del distretto (15')
Kangofu: la nurse giapponese (15')
La battaglia contro le malattie (15')
Servizio mobile (15')
Clinica medica navigante (15')
23 Il ragazzo e la gru (27')
Kaguya Hime: la principessa e la luna (18')
Una gru riconoscente (20')
Il ragazzo e la paglia (20')
24 Giappone: uno sguardo (30')
Geografia e industria (25')
Il Giappone d'oggi (30')
Il mare: linea di vita per oggi e domani (30')
25 Diventar medici (15')
Tempo di festival (15')
La comunita degli alloggi (15')
26 Mangiar fuori: i ristoranti d'oggi (15')
Trasporti urbani (15')
Gli sports nello spirito dei giovani (15')
27 Supermercati (15')
Rinverdendo l'ambiente (15')
I tessuti di Nishijin (15')
28 I meteorologi (15')
La conservazione degli alimenti (15')
Preparazione alla sicurezza stradale (15')
Bonsai: gli alberi in miniatura (15')
29 Sumo: la lotta tradizionale (15')
La bellezza delle tradizioni: bambu, carta e legno (17')
Il lago dei cigni giapponese (15')
30 Efficace utilizzazione dell'acqua (15')
Il servizio medicodi emergenza (15')
La televisione in Giappone (15')
31 Profilo del Primo Ministro Noboru Takeshita (8') inglese
32 Expo '90, Osaka, Japan (19') francese
33 La ceramica preziosa (6')
Le tecniche di stampa in Giappone (15')
Il controllo del territorio (15')
34 Protezione contro i terremoti (15')
Ufficiali delle forze di auto difesa (15')
I volontari (15')
I treni fluttuanti a motore lineare (16')
35 I calendari delle feste per i bambini (16')
La protezione dell'eredita culturale (16')
I licei professionali (15')
36 L'educazione permanente (15')
La polizia di Tokyo (15')
Legami di amicizia oltremare (16')
37 I funerali dell'Imperatore Hirohito giapponese
38 Profilo del Primo Ministro Sosuke Uno inglese
39 Conferenza stampa di S.E. l'Imperatore e l'Imperatrice del Giappone (37') giapponese
40 Profilo di S.E. Akihito, l'Imperatore del Giappone (15') inglese
41 Profilo del Primo Ministro Sosuke Uno (extra edition) inglese
42 Profilo del Primo Ministro Kaifu Toshiki (10') inglese
43 Japan Today 4 (Notizie principali-Argomenti-Sport-Tendenze in Giappone - Intervista con Sezaburo Sato) (30') inglese
44 Il mercato del pesce di Tsukiji (17')
Veterinari dello zoo (16')
Confezioni stile giapponese (16')
45 Biotecnologia e agricoltura (16')
Costruzione di giocattoli in Giappone (16')
L'industria dei servizi in Giappone (16')
46 I libri e i giapponesi (16')
Salvare gli uccelli selvatici (16')
I kimono ed i giapponesi (16')
Educazione scientifica in Giappone (16')
47 Japan Today 5 (Notizie principali-Flash & Argomenti-Torneo di Sumo-Tendenze in Giappone-Opinion Leader M. Hashimoto) (30') inglese
48 Japan Today 6 (Notizie principali-Argomenti-Sport-Tendenze in Giappone) (30') inglese
49 Il nuovo Imperatore del Giappone (20') francese
50 24 ore a Tokyo (30') francese
51 Il nuovo sistema sociale del Primo Ministro Kaifu, presentato durante il suo viaggio in Europa - 1990 (15') giapponese
52 Japan Today 7 (Notizie principali-Flash-Tendenze in Giappone- Sport-Intervista a Kimindo Kusaka sulle frizioni economiche) (30') inglese
53 Japan Today 8 (Notizie principali-Argomenti-Tendenze in Giappone-Sport) (30') inglese
54 Preservare l'ambiente globale (30') inglese
55 Alta tecnologia in Giappone - 1990 (28') inglese
56 Kanazawa: il diario di Munira (15')
Yamaguchi: l'alba del Giappone (15')
57 Rinnovando il porto di Tokyo (15')
Nagano: Prefettura del Giappone (15')
58 La musica in Giappone (24')
L'arte e l'arte rappresentativa (24')
59 La moda del Giappone (15')
Fumetti (15')
Architettura (17')
60 I primi cento anni della democrazia giapponese (23') inglese
61 Japan Today 9 (Notizie principali-Argomenti-Tendenze in Giappone-Sport) (30') inglese
62 Cerimonie di ascesa al trono (Sokui-no-rei) (25') inglese
63 Japan Today 10 (Notizie principali-Notizie flash-Tendenze in Giappone-Sport) (30') inglese
64 Japan Today 11 (Interviste con i fedeli-Notizie principali-Argomenti del nuovo anno-Tendenze in Giappone-Sport) (30') inglese
65 "A Song for the Community...By the Community" (30') inglese
66 Celebrazione dell'incoronazione di Sua Maesta l'Imperatore del Giappone inglese
67 Japan Today 12 (Notizie principali-Notizie flash-Tendenze in Giappone - Sports - L'asta delle biciclette usate) (23') inglese
68 Studiare in Giappone - vol.2 - Vita degli studenti inglese
69 Studiare in Giappone - vol.3 - Passo dopo passo preparandosi a studiare in Giappone inglese
70 "Il mio dono e la pace della mente" - La dottoressa Yoko viene in citta (45') inglese
71 La battaglia degli aquiloni giganti di Ensyu (45') inglese
72 "Una competizione animata: Jonkara-Bushi" - La gara nazionale di Tsugaru Jamisen (Strumento musicale) (45') inglese
73 "Il rumore di una zappa risuona nel prato" - Vita agreste nelle montagne dello Shikoku (45') inglese
74 "Special Fujisan" della NHK - La piu grande montagna del Giappone (45') inglese
75 Il templio Zen - Lo Eiheiji (45') inglese
76 La bellezza rinata - Ristrutturazione della Villa Imperiale di Katsura (50') inglese
77 Origami - L'arte di piegare la carta - Parte I e II (60') inglese
78 Origami - L'arte di piegare la carta - Parte III e IV (60') inglese
79 La crisi del Golfo e il Giappone - Assicurare la pace (15') inglese
80 Japan Today 13 (Notizie principali-Notizie flash-tendenze in Giappone-Sports) inglese
81 La tradizione dello spettacolo in Giappone-Il cuore di Kabuki, Noh e Bunraku (38') inglese
82 L'uomo d'affari giapponese - Lo spirito di lotta nell'etica di gruppo (25') inglese
83 La famiglia giapponese - Lo stile di vita dell'uomo d'affari (35') inglese
84 Il gusto del Giappone - Una tradizione di ospitalita (30') inglese
85 La tecnologia giapponese - Una tradizione di abilita artigiana (24') inglese
86 La societa giapponese a Tokyo e nella Nazione (23') inglese
87 Usi e costumi - La struttura della societa giapponese (30') inglese
88 I giapponesi e la natura: amici-nemici (30') inglese
89 Il sistema corporativo giapponese - Il ruolo dell'imprenditore (30') inglese
90 Giappone: un paese di abbondanti acque naturali (25') inglese
91 I Giapponesi (Presentato dal Ministero degli Affari Esteri, Giappone) (15') inglese
92 Japan Today 14 (Notizie principali-Notizie flash-Tendenze in Giappone-Sports) (30') inglese
93 Japan Today 15 (Notizie principali-Notizie flash-Tendenze in Giappone-Sports) (30') inglese
94 Profilo del Primo Ministro Miyazawa inglese
95 Giappone d'oggi (22') inglese
96 Proteggendo la nostra "casa" collettiva-Contributi Ecologici del Giappone (18') inglese
97 La passione per le balene - Storia di Tomohisa Nagaoka (16') inglese
98 Aiutando i nostri amici piu deboli (18') inglese
99 Rivivere le nostre foreste-La missione di Akira Miyawaki (18') inglese
100 Proteggere l'habitat - Il riciclaggio del vetro (18') inglese
101 Madoka (26') inglese
102 Lotta per la sopravvivenza: la pesca nel Nord Giappone inglese
103 Dalle ceneri: come il Giappone ha sviluppato la sua ripresa del dopoguerra inglese
104 Una videostoria dell'Industria Elettronica giapponese. Ricostruire la tecnologia di una nazione. Nascita del transistor inglese
105 Una videostoria dell'Industria Elettronica giapponese. Ricostruire la tecnologia di una nazione. Circuiti elettronici di pietra inglese
106 Una videostoria dell'Industria Elettronica giapponese. Ricostruire la tecnologia di una nazione. La guerra dei calcolatori inglese
107 Una videostroia dell'Industria Elettronica giapponese. Ricostruire la tecnologia di una nazione. Il gigante tecnologico del mondo dei micron inglese
108 Shinzo Maeda (35') inglese
109 Educazione in Giappone. I bambini e i loro sogni (30') inglese
110 Donne lavoratrici. Scopi personali e sociali (30') inglese
111 Festivita annuali e cerimonie. La fede nella vita quotidiana inglese
112 Ambiente: Ultimi Approcci (27') inglese
113 I bambini del Giappone che cambia (20') inglese
114 Kobe 1995: Una lezione crudele (16') inglese
115 Alta Tecnologia, Alta Speranza (26') inglese
116 Miyazaki: Luogo del G8 Summit 2000 (30') bandiera italiana
117 Riciclando (18') inglese
118 Gli uomini che hanno fatto l'architettura Meiji inglese
119 2002: Coppa del Mondo Fifa - Korea/Giappone, unendo due nazioni inglese
120 La foresta Shirakami, un'eredita mondiale (20') inglese
121 Il cambiamento del riscaldamento globale (24') inglese
122 Parlando di isole: I territori settentrionali (30') inglese
123 1. Come aver successo in unta Intervista Televisiva (58') inglese
124 Morihiro Hosokawa: un nuovo Primo Ministro per una nuova era (13') inglese
125 Sua Maesta l'Imperatore e l'Imperatrice del Giappone inglese
126 Matrimonio Imperiale: il Principe alla Corono e la Principessa del Giappone inglese
127 Sua Maesta l'Imperatrice Michiko del Giappone (54') inglese
128 Cerimonia di Incoronazione (90') giapponese
129 Invito al Giappone: studenti internazionali per un brillante domani (21') inglese
130 L'anima di Okinawa (due cassette - 27' ciascuna) inglese
1. Life for Japanese People
a Homes - Food Life - Traditional Cuisine (18') inglese
b Clothing - Annual Events - Festivals (18') inglese
c Vacations - Customs and Etiquette - Lifelong Education - Children's Daily Life (24') inglese
2. Japanese Culture
a Traditional Performing Arts - Crafts - Tea Ceremony, Flower Arrangement, Calligraphy (18') inglese
b Sports - Religion - Young People - Comics (24') inglese
c Cities - Entertainment - Architecture (18') inglese
3. Japanese Industry and Economy
a Agriculture - Fisheries, Marine Products - Manufacturing (18') inglese
b Finance - Distribution System - International Trade (18') inglese
c Disaster Prevention - Information Society - Robots, Biotechnology - Clean Energy (24') inglese
4. Japanese Politics and Society
a The Imperial Family - International Contributions (1), PKO and Global Issues - International Contribution (2), Official Development Assistance (18') inglese
b Political System - Defense - Police - Transportation (24') inglese
c Education - Medical Care and Social Security - Environmental Protection - Community Activities (24') inglese
5. Sketches of Japan
a Cities, Metropolitan Area - Regions, Hokkaido - Regions, Tohoku (18') inglese
b Regions, Kanto - Regions, Chubu - Regions, Kinki (18') inglese
c Regions, Chugoku & Shikoku - Regions, Kyushu & Okinawa - Four Seasons (18') inglese
1 Ozegahara (49') inglese
2 Ancient Capital Almanac - A Year in Nara and Kyoto (20') inglese
3 Four Seasons of the Mogami River (44') inglese
4 The Way of Life in Japan: Group Portrait of High School Students (20') inglese
5 The Way of Life in Japan: University Students (20') inglese
6 The Way of Life in Japan: Housewives (20') inglese
7 The Way of Life in Japan: The Family Life of a Salaryman (20') inglese
8 Discovering Japan: Living in the City (14') inglese
1 Tea Ceremony (20') inglese
2 Japanese Cuisine (20') inglese
3 Japanese Dance (20') inglese
4 Japanese Instruments (20') inglese
5 Calligraphy (20') inglese
6 Japanese Pottery & Porcelain (20') inglese
7 Japanese Arts and Crafts (20') inglese
8 Kimono (20') inglese
9 Japanese Architecture (20') inglese
1 Sumo (25') inglese
2 Kendo (15') inglese
3 Kyudo (15') inglese
4 Judo (15') inglese
5 Naginata (15') inglese
6 Karatedo (15') inglese
1 Past, present and future: washi, unique Japanese paper culture (50') inglese
2 Shikoku: an island in time (50') inglese
3 The healthy Japanese Diet (50') inglese
4 Travel wise in Japan (50') inglese
1 High technology Japanese style (30') inglese
2 Osaka APEC meeting (30') inglese
3 Aftermath of the Kobe quake (30') inglese
4 Coming to villages and towns in Japan (30') inglese
5 U.S.-Japan cooperation in global perspective (30') inglese
1 COP3: Breaking the Ice on Global Warming (30') inglese
2 Deregulation: Big Bang Japan (30') inglese
3 Deregulation: Japan is changing (30') inglese
ALTRI DVD-CDROM (Immagini e Video)
1 Hello! Japan 2007 inglese
2 Fantastic Destinations in Japan 2008 inglese
3 Yokoso Japan 2008 inglese
4 Sounds in Japan inglese
5 Annual Events in Japan inglese
6 Japanese Cuisine inglese
7 The Food of Japan inglese

JAPAN VIDEO TOPICS (ognuna 15' durata. dal 2005 n. 09 solo in formato DVD)

1 1. Tohoku Reconstruction - Eco-friendly and Disaster Resistant
2. Miniaturizing Medicine
3. Experimenting with Fashion
4. Miyajima - Island Shrine to Nature
  Tohoku's Eco-friendly Reconstruction
2 1. Kamakura - Home of Samurai Culture
2. Jomon Archeological Sites in Tohoku
3. Okinawa World Heritage
4. Mt. Fuji, Japan Sacred Mountain
  Mt. Fuji Sacred Mountain
3 1. The Spirit of Budo
2. Budo Techniques and Power
3. Traditional Budo Equipment
4. Budo Today
  The Spirit of Budo
4 1. Trendsetting Tokyo
2. Tokyo's Latest Landmark
3. Toyko - City of Sports
4. Gourmet Tokyo
  Gourmet Tokyo
5 1. The School Day
2. School Meals
3. School Events
4. Summer Vacation
  School Meals
6 1. Spring
2. Summer
3. Autumn
4. Winter
1 1. The Colorful World of Bentobako
2. Tohoku's Eco-friendly Reconstruction, Geothermal Energy in Japan
3. Pioneering Disaster Technology
4. New National Park for Sanriku
  Miniaturizing Medicine
2 1. Takachiho - Land of Legends
2. Walking on Wood
3. Flea Markets for Fun
4.Technology Inspired by Tradition

  Takachiho - Land of Legends
3 1. Hiraizumi - Once Again a Bacon of Hope
2. Fukushima's World-leading Aluminum Technology
3. The Magnificient Wooden Chests of Sendai
4.Keeping the Auto Industry on the Road

  Fukushima's World-leading Aluminum Technology
TOHOKU SELECTION (Fukushima, Miyagi, Iwate)
1. Miyagi- Where the Samurai Spirit Lingers
2. Lacquer Reborn
3. Hiraizumi – Glories of Long Ago
3. Nanbu-tekki Cast Ironware
4. Lakes of Many Colors
4 1. A Festival of Festivals - Tohoku Rokkon Sai
2. 800 Years of Tradition - Aizu Tajima Gion Festival
3. Showcasing Tohoku Dance - Kitakami Michinoku Geino Festival
4. Festival on Matsushima Bay - Shiogama Minato Festival

  Tohoku Rokkon Sai
5 1. Solar Power in Japan
2. Ise-Shima - Ancient Shrines and Pearls
3. Stationery Moves with the Times
4. The Ukiyoe Tradition

  Ise-Shima - Ancient Shrines and Pearl
6 1. Niihama Taiko Festival
2. Japanese Rice Snacks
3. Shaping our World with Plastics
4. The Puppet Art of Bunraku

  Japanese Rice Snacks
7 1. Gokayama's Thatched Farmhouses
2. Another Taste of Japan
3. Stronger and Lighter than Steel
4. Maki-e - Gold on Lacquer

  Gokayama's Thatched Farmhouses
8 1. Meiji Jingu - A Tokyo Oasis
2. Amezaiku Candy Sculpture
3. Saving Energy with Sensors
4. Kyo Yuzen Kimono Dyeing

  Amezaiku Candy Sculpture
9 1. The Camellias of Hagi
2. Arita Porcelain
3. Leading-Edge Desalination Technology
4. Wadaiko Drumming

  Wadaiko Drumming
In streaming su http://web-japan.org/jvt/index.html
1 1. Kakunodate - Sakura and Samurai
2. Designed for Universal Use
3. A Tradition of Fine Blades
4. Edo Period Puppet Theater
2 1. Wasabi
2. Rebun - Island of Flowers
3. Japan's Advanced Vending Machines
4. Tenugui - The Handy Cloth
3 1. Cyber Robot Suits
2. Kumiko Latticework
3. The Essential Bean
4. Pillars of Flame
5 1. Onigiri - rice to Go
2. When lacquer Meets dearskin
3. Electric Vehicles hit the Street
4.Owara Kaze no Bon Festival
6 1. Lakes of Many Colors
2. Safe Water from Every Tap
3. Tsumami Kanzashi Hair Ornaments
4.Karatsu Kunchi Festival
7 1. Wajima-nuri lacquerware
2. Lighting up the night in Arashiyama
3. Fine marquetry from Hakone
4. A cascade of chrysanthemums
8 1. Japan's high-speed rail system
2. Matsue - the water city
3. Speedy and safe - Japan's egg technology
4. Artful gift wrapping
5. Azuki - the versatile little red bean
9 1. Izu - Paradise of Flowers
2. Snow and Hemp in Ojiya
3. Leave it All to the Movers
4. Hina - Ningyo Dolls
  Hina - Ningyo Dolls
1 1. The Cherry Blossoms of Yoshino
2. Titanium Tiles for Temple Roofs
3. How Old Firms Survive
4. Old Crafts in Modern Art
2 1. Hiking the Shinetsu Trail
2. When Mending Becomes an Art
3. A Better Way to Peaceful Sleep
4. New Technology for Disabled Sports
3 1. Ajisai – Hydrangeas in Hakone
2. Lettuce From a Factory
3. Mizuhiki - The Art of Tying Paper Cords
4. New Life for Old Facilities
5 1. Funadansu Sea Chests
2. Sweet Accessories
3. Yamaga Lantern Festival
4. Wagakki – Ancient Japanese Musical Instruments
9 1. Mount Fuji in Winter
2. Yusan – bako Picnic Boxes
3. New Ways to Use Cardboard
4. Kariwano’s Giant Tug- of - war
1 1. Making Up a Super Fuel
2. Hokkaido Horse-trekking
3. Fresh Ideas for Mobile Living
4. New Future for Smallest Room
2 1. Untouched for 8.000 Years – Shirakami-Sanchi Forest
2. High-Rise Work Fashion
3. Fine Mist Cools City Heat
4. Minamata – An Eco-Aware Community
3 1. Tokyo’s Subtropical Islands
2. Toys for Ages
3. Japanese Cuisine – Sincerity is the Key
4. Building to Blend with Nature
4 1. Manga goes Worldwide
2. World’s Biggest Firework
3. Japanese Denim (High Fashion and Eco-Friendly
4. Deco Art – It’s Everywhere
5 1. Walking the Old Tokaido Highway
2. Compact Houses for Spacious Living
3. Learning about Life from Food
4. Fun Ways to Get Fit
6 1. The Healing Powers of the Jellyfish
2. Ready to Eat. Instantly, Anywhere
3. Bamboo’s Deep Roots in Japanese Life
4. Traditional Crafts, Modern Design, That’s Kanazawa
7 1. Night Festival in Chichibu
2. Monkiri Asobi – The Art of Papercutting
3. Miyadaiku – Guardians of a Tradition of Building in Wood
4. Sushi from Tokyo Bay Again
8 1. Tiny Satellite Carries a Big Dream
2. A Stroll Through Old Kawagoe
3. Carry Your Own Chopsticks
4. Tsukemono – The Pleasure of Japanese Pickies
9 1. Donabe – Most Versatile of Cooking Pots
2. Bonsai – Nature’s Beauty in Miniature
3. Iwami Kagura – Ancient Ritual to Modern Folk Art
4. Green Revolution Transforms City Rooftopss
1 1. Toyako – Scenic Site of G8 Summit
2. “Eco” – The New Brand Image
3. NewYear’s Friendly Demons
4. The Miniature World of Omake
2 1. Winter in Japan’s Snow Country
2. Tree Surgeons at Work
3. Robot, A Remarkable Companion
4. World’s Biggest Comic Convention
3 1. Tokyo Girls Collection
2. Japan Tourism Goes Green
3. High-Tech Hairpieces
4. Railway Country
1 1. Naoshima – The Island of Art
2. Bringing a New Charm to BONSAI
3. At the Forefront of Endoscopy
4. Japan’s Creative Cheese
2 1. A Day Trip Across Tokyo Bay
2. The Charm of Modern Paper Craft
3. Cleaning Water with Carbon Fibre
4. Revitalizing a Town with Ume
3 1. A New Focus for Art in Tokyo
2. Recycling with IC Cards
3. The Rebirth of Japanese Calligraphy
4. Izu Peninsula in Spring
10 1.Try new Products for Free at Sample Lab
2. Revealing the Hidden Side of Industry
3. Eating on the Train – Ekiben Boxed Meals
4. A Designer’s Idea Transform local Industries
11 1. A New Style of Lifelong Learning in Shibuya
2. The Lake that Inspired Tale of Genji
3. Why is Japanese Fruit so delicious?
4. Clear as Glass, but so much Stronger
12 1. Yokohama – Japan’s First Modern City
2. Traditional Art Meets Pop Culture
3. A Challenge of Skills
4. Never Too Old to Play
2000 - 2006 Volume 1: Tourist Attraction of Japan
Volume 2: Japanese Culture and Lifestyle
Volume 3: Modern Japan (in total around 4 hours)
1 1. Fighting Sport Builds Friendship
2. Block Toy Unblocks Creativity
3. Heroes of Disaster – Tokyo’s Hyper-Rescue Team
4. Underground Caverns of Akiyoshi
2 1. City of Countless Faces
2. The Art of the Compact
3. Keeping the Expressways Safe
4. Weaving Works of Beauty
3 1. Shimane – Land of Silver, Swords and Ancient Shrines
2. Latest Digital Camera Trends
3. Art of Hidden Beauty
4. More than Cute – Kawaii!!
4 1. The Roots of Japanese Anime
2. Shop Assistants with Purchasing Power
3. Exploring Japan: Appreciating Japanese-style Rooms
4. The Japanese Economy is Rising from Recession
5 1. Japan’s Assistance for Iraq
2. Exploring Japan: Appreciating Japanese Sounds
3. Japanese Anime in Malaysia
4. Citizens in City Planning
6 1. Mobile Phone TV
2. Exploring Japan: Appreciating Wooden Architecture
3. Japan Welcomes Young Student
7 1. Climbing for Cleaning
2. Living with Flowers
3. Furoshiki – The Flexible Wrapping Cloth
4. Self-expression through Digital Art
8 1. Beach Cleaning Buggy
2. Secrets of the White Egret Castle
3. The Yukata Fashion Boom
4. WASHI, the Finest Japanese Paper
5. The Popular Tokyo English Bus Tour
9 1. State of the Art Prosthetics
2. Staying at a World Heritage Site
3. Basement Food Riches
4. Preparing for Natural Disasters
10 1. Japan’s 50 Years as a UN Member
2. Onsen, Warm-hearted Hot Springs – Beppu & Yufuin
3. Ramen, Japan’s Favourite Noodles
4. The Small Island that Drives on Ethanol
11 1. Global Oysters Supported by Forests
2. Not Just Play – Mobile Game Devices Evolve
3. Tokyo One-Day Trip
4. UDON – Noodles Fostered by Nature
12 1. One-day Trip to Tsukuba – Nature and Science
2. Edo Kites Flying High
3. Supporting the Next Generation of Aircraft – Carbon Fibre Composite Materials
4. Tokyo Traditional Taste
1 1. Green Roofs Combat Greenhouse Effect
2. Braille of the Move
3. Kumamoto – Land of Fire and Water
4. Eat, Drink, Relax – Izakaya Style
2 1. Itsukushima – Shrine in the Sea
2. Throw Away you Wallet
3. The Man who Mapped Japan
3 1. Japan in the UN
2. New Life for Old Houses
3. Ridding the World of Landmines
4. Centrair – Japan’s Newest Hub Airport
5. 2005 Special Olympics World Winter Games in Nagano
4 1. EXPO 2005, Aichi
2. Lacquer Reborn
3. Cultivating the Tuna
4. The Island that Runs on Water
5 1. Tsunami Alert!
2. After the EXPO – Visit Iseshima
3. Games Reach the Next Level
4. Okinawan Sanshin
6 1. First Steps for World Citizens
2. Raining in Japan
3. Robot Partners
4. Wagashi – The Taste of the Seasons
7 1. Winter Show Keeps Summer Cool
2. Kyoto State Guest House
3. Moerenuma – From Landfill to Park
4. Hakata Gion Yamakasa Festival
8 1. Helping Hands Build Irawi-Japanese Friendship
2. Getting Close to the Animals
3. When Computers Can’t Match Human Skill
4. Aomori – Land of Contrasts
9 1. The Artificial Limb Makers
2. Akihabara – Hobbyst’s Paradise
3. A Brush with Beauty
4. Bringing Color Back to the Oceans
10 1. Cycling the Islands of the Inland Sea
2. Underground Tokyo
3. Rice and the Japanese
4. A Promise Kept – The White Stork Flies Again
11 1. Nikko – Japan’s Oldest International Resort
2. What’s Happening in the Motorcycle World
3. Senior Volunteers Work Abroad
4. Traditional Good – Luck Charms
12 1. Kyushu National Museum
2. Heart – Warming Nabe Cookery
3. Waste Disposal as a Work of Art
4. Glories of Long Ago – Hiraizumi
1 1. Fukuoka – Gateway to Asia
2. Cutting Edge of Paper Art
3. Evolving Stations
4. Tokyo Nights, Tokyo Lights
2 1. Kobe – International Port City
2. Dueling Robots
3. Masters of Fake Food
4. Snowman Village
3 1. Miyagi – Where the Samurai Spirit Lingers on
2. Sounds of Falling Water
3. Disability, Mother of Invention
4. Carrying Wishes into the
4 1. Kyoto on a Budget
2. Wood that won’t Burn
3. Wrap it Up, Japanese Style
4. Fooling the Eye
5 1. Tokyo Nature Walks
2. Cleaning Power of Light
3. Makers of Miniature Worlds
4. Onbashira – Pillars of the Gods
6 1. Gifu Decorative Arts – The Legacy of Furuta Oribe
2. Keeping Fruit Fresh
3. Tokyo Street Fashion
4. New Life for Old Art
7 1. Shiretoko – The Edge of the World
2. Pure, Pure Water
3. A Library in Your Pocket
8 1. Korean Schoolchildren Discover Japan
2. Anything, Anywhere Home Deliveries
3. Kyoto Gozan Fire Festival
4. The Hapan Alps – World Above the Alps
9 1. Making the World Safer from Earthquakes
2. Saikuzushi – Edible Art
3. Move Like a Samurai
4. Car that Care For You
10 1. Helping Rebuild Iraq
2. Turing Plastic into Soil
3. Coming Soon – Expo 2005
11 1. Changing Money
2. EU-Japan Year of People-to-People Exchanges
3. A Paper Revolution
4. Mysterious Okinawa
12 1. Sacred Mountains of the Kii Peninsula
2. Miso Power
3. Rural Grassroots Leaders
4. Saving the Yanbarukuina
1 1. Winter Wildfowl Paradise – Lakes Izunuma & Uchinuma
2. Cleanest Ever Energy Source
3. Really Seeing Stars
4. The Light Way to Play Music
2 1. Festival of Ice and Snow
2. Okinawa’s Subtropical Islands
3. Toy or car?
4. Rooftop Mini-Soccer
3 1. Volunteer Treasure Guardians
2. Art from Fallen Leaves
3. The Ultimate View of Mount Fuji
4. Nagasaki City – Gateway to the World
4 1. Volunteer Treasure Guardians
2. Art from Fallen Leaves
3. The Ultimate View of Mount Fuji
4. Nagasaki City – Gateway to the World
5 1. Smaller Gadgets, Greater Fun
2. Glaze into the Future
3. Day Care Stations
4. Natural Charm – Akita
6 1. Osaka – Something for Everyone
2. Running on Garbage
3. Children in Charge
4. Respecting Time
7 1. The Solar Future
2. Japan-USA – 150 Years
3. Power Rehabilitation
4. Hokkaido – Snowy Mountains to Sunny Meadows
8 1. Race with the Sun
2. Kanazawa – A Timeless Tradition
3. An Underground Revolution
4. Universe of Light
9 1. Kamakura – Birthplace of Samurai Culture
2. Human Scale Wind Power
3. Tofu – Centuries Old Healthy Cuisine
4. Your Cellphone is the Key
10 1. Aichi – Manufacturing Heartland
2. Lifting Their Spirits
3. Fresh Water from the Sea
4. Ukiyoe – From Woodblock to Computer
11 1. Welcome to Chiba – Welcome to Japan
2. Solar Weather Forecasters
3. Paper and Light
4. Shinkansen Safety – Behind the Scenes
12 1 Hakone – Tokyo’s Mountain Resort
2. Pet for a Day
3. Gift of Music
4. Winter Haven for the Crane
1 1. 2002 Fifa World Cup: Japanese Venue – Part VIII Saitama & Ibaraki
2. The Face of the Ginza
3. World’s Fastes Electric Vehicle
2 1. 2002 FIFA World Cup: Japanese Venue inglese
3 1. Bio-Kites
2. At Your Service – New Kinds of Taxi
3. Warm Welcome in the Snow
4. Optical Fiber Art
4 1. Robots with Feelings!
2. Back on the Road Again
3. Yokohama Port Festival-Welcoming the 2002 FIFA World Cup
4. Tendo – City of Japanese Chess
5 1. Tokyo’s Central Station
2. Kids’ Kabuki Festival
3. Tiny Company Battles Global Problem
4. Ramen – Japanese Favorite Noodle
6 1 Camera Phones
2. City Rooftops Go Green
3. Grandparents return to School
4. Fearless Schoolgirl Climber
7 1. A Month of Memories – 2002 FIFA World Cup
2. Battle of the Robot Cleaners
3. Yen100 Shoppers’ Paradise
8 1. The Biggest Ever Dinosaur Show
2. Yukata – New Street Fashion Trend
3. Japan World Heritage Sites – Himeji Castle, an Architectural
9 1. Orchestra of Gourds
2. All in the Mind
3. Identify Yourself
4. Child Illusionist
10 1. Matsumoto – City of Music Lovers
2. Breeding the Bluefin
3. Living Together
11 1. Japan World Heritage Sites – Nara, Japan Ancient Capital
2. Cutting Waste with Lasers
3. Flower Dolls
4. Wildlife Rescue Volunteers
12 1. Noda – Soy Sauce City
2. Giving Dogs a Voice
3. Brothers Top In-line World
4. Learning in the Trees
1 1. Ceramic Symphony
2. Olympic Experience
3. Crab Shell Salvation
4. GALs
2 1. Robot Set New Pace
2. Hotel of Magic
3. Sounds to See, Shapes to Hear
4. Cyber Town in the Snow
3 1. Big Day For Small Girls
2. Tip Of The Tongue, Blink of An Eye
3. Salty Secrets
4. Collectable Characters
4 1. 2002 FIFA World Cup: Japanese Venues - Part I Yokohama
2. True-to-life mirror
3. Grass-root Power Generation
4. Africa in Japan
5 1. 2002 FIFA World Cup: Japanese Venues - Part II Osaka
2. Pictures from Fire
3. Small Lights - Big Harvests
4. Dating these Days
6 1. Recycling Expo
2. Candle Art
3. Avoiding Accidents
4. Teachers in Tune
7 1. 2002 FIFA World Cup: Japanese Venues - Part III Shizuoka
2. Vet on Wheels
3. Tuning in Earthquakes
4. Terraces of Rice
8 1. Ayumi Hamasaki - The Face on Every Billboard
2. A Hidden Beauty of Fireworks
3. Repainting the Shogun's Shrine
9 1. 2002 FIFA World Cup: Japanese Venues Part IV Sapporo
2. Young Robot Masters
3. Slender Sounds
4. Awa Odori - Dancing Fool's Festival
10 1. 2002 FIFA World Cup: Japanese Venue - Part V Niigata
2. Global Village Festival
3. Extravaganza of Contemporary Art
4. Magic of Charcoal
11 1. 2002 FIFA World Cup: Japanese Venues - Part VI Miyagi
2. Factory in a Suitcase
3. Convenience for Sale
4. Learning from Tradition
12 1. 2002 FIFA World Cup: Japanese Venues - Part VII Oita
2. New World of Bonsai
3. Golden Company
4. Snowfall Indoors
1 1. Summit 2000 Venue P.I
2. Sounds of Scrap
3. Thirst for a New Look
2 1. Fish Out of Water
2. Sharing Electric Vehicles
3. Art in the Shadows
4.Summit 2000 P.II
3 1.Mobile Phone Robot
2.Wheelchair Reporters
3.Young Puppeteers
4.Summit 2000 P.III
4 1. Celebration of Spring
2.A Taste of Invention
3.Young and Old
4. Big Role of Small Plants
5 1. Magic of Oxygen
2. Young Chefs
3. Oasis for the Elderly
4. Power of Paper S. Issue - Tutto su Okinawa (Okinawa Omnibus) (Italiano 27')
6 1. Energy from Art
2. Mud Madness
3. Bug's Eye View
4. Watch My Wrist
7 1. Technology of Tomorrow
2. Backyard Express
3. Benefits of Green Tea
4. Islands of Iron
8 1.Thumb Tribe
2. Recycling Ceramics
3. Just as Good as by Hand
4. Lanterns - Sky High
9 1. Playing with Reality
2. Scissors on Wheels
3. Taught by Firefly
4. Walk with the Animals
10 1. School as a Canvas
2. Strength for Wood Fibers
3. Pets of a Kind
4. Doctor with a Heart
11 1. Fun Homes
2. Touchable Stories
3. Golden Age On Ice
4. Paper Doll Fantasy
1 1. Wider use for Handy Phones
2. Good news for Off-key Singers
3. Underground Space
4. Banana Speakers
2 1. Shirakawa-go: World Heritage
2. Vegetable Factory
3. Hearing Through Bones
3 1. Wheel in the Sky
2. Chariots for the Challenged
3. New Life for old Barrels
4. Reaching for the Stars
4 1. Human touch for Bullet trains
2. Dance Game Craze
3. New shapes for Old Bottles
4. The Ryokan: Traditional Inn
5 1. Flying Carp
2. Magic Paint
3. Return of Samurai
4. Origami Architecture
6 1. Designing Dinosaurs
2.Freshman al 96
3.Teenage Toy Doctors
4.Bonsai:Nature in a Nutshell
7 1. Kushiro Wetland
2. Art by Touch
3. Digital Pet
4. Sleeping Concert
8 1. A Passion for Planes
2. Aquarium at Night
3. Recycling Brewers
4. Vanishing with the Tide
9 1. Nebuta: Festival of Gigantic Floats
2. Rooftop Greenery
3. Pedaling for Purification
10 1. Tableware for the Challenged
2.Bamboo Orchestra
3.The Magic of Science
4.Floating Seabed
11 1. Motorcars for the Millennium
2.Talking Paper
3.Paint Brush for Cinema
4.Deep Sea Detective
12 1. Paper Planes on a Wing and a Prayer
2. Team Work: the Kids find it Fun
3. Sunlight for Gloomy Rooms
4. Youth Aid the Aged
1 1. Neptune's Road
2. Silky Sounds
3. Pollution Solution
2 1. Flammable Water
2. Brush Express
3. Robo-Man
4. Winter Wonderland
3 1. Riding High
2. Surprise from the Sea
3. Help for the Aged
4. Lure of Lacquer ware
4 1. High-tech leg
2.Kitchen waste to fish food
3.Sounding out cans
4. Wedding - old and new
5 1. Merry-go-round Sushi
2. Gainful Help to Trees
3. Kitakyushu: rebirth of a city
6 1. Safe and fast
2. Origami by Touch
3. Shrines on Parade
4. Digital Artist
7 1. Hello, I see you
2. Cleaning a Lake
3. Ancient Sounds
4. Benefits for birds
8 1. Playing with fire
2. Teenage Teachers
3. Computers Challenge Noh
4. Blossom forever
9 1. Top tradition
2. Pet Detective
3. Mystery of Corals
10 1. Bottle Rockets
2. Music for all
3. Revival of Aged Homes
11 1. Toying with Size
2. Learning from Fish
3. Robo Ski Teacher
4."Boys be Brave"
12 1. Hot Air Gathering
2. Car from a Kit
3. Real Time Characters
4. Friends of the Forest
6 1. Battling Kites
2. Digital Museum
3. Organic Energy
4. Mermaid Tears
7 1. Ancient Celebration in Kyoto
2. Moving Floor
3. Ceramic City: Home Expo 2005
8 1. Summer Snow
2. Robo Shop
3. Kitchen Husbands
4. Factory Farming
9 1. Pet Robot
2. Silver Guides
3. For Battery Longevity
4. Drums of Fire
10 1. Nagano 1998
2. Silent Sounds
3. Detective Dog
11 1. Echo-car Extravaganza
2. String Art
3. Fresh Frozen Foods
4. Years Apart: Good Friends
12 1. Styrofoam Buster
2. Computing Never Too Old
3. Bountiful Bamboo Extra E.
4. Prime Minister Sousuke Uno

Il Consolato dispone anche di libri, CD musicali e qualche CD-Rom informativo che si possono prestare. La lista non e ancora disponibile, ma è sufficiente contattare la sezione culturale per informazioni in merito.